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If the thought of fleas and ticks living in your home or on your pet makes you itch, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Despite how they might make us feel, there are a few things about the pesky little critters that are quite interesting. Don’t believe us? Read on for 10 things you didn’t know about fleas and ticks…

Fleas are prolific reproducers
Female fleas are capable of laying up to 50 eggs per day! This can only be done once they have had a feed to help with their energy levels. That means that over her short lifespan, a female flea can lay 2,000 eggs.

Fleas have been on earth for longer than you or me
Fleas have been on this earth for at least 165 million years. They actually existed during the Jurassic Period, which means they managed to outlive dinosaurs!

Fleas can survive cold temperatures
Contrary to popular belief, winter does not always kill fleas, which is why flea prevention should be used all year round. Try using one of our repellent products on your pet and in your home to keep fleas at bay during the colder months.

Fleas can jump pretty high
The thought may make you shudder but due to their multi-jointed hind legs, fleas can jump 110 times their height. When they jump, fleas accelerate 20 times faster than a space shuttle.
A tick’s saliva acts like cement
Some ticks create a substance referred to as ‘cement’ when anchoring their mouths to the host’s skin. The ‘cement’ has adhesive properties and seals the lesion during feeding, however the particular chemical composition and the curing process of the substance is unknown.

There are many different types of ticks
Researchers believe that there are more than 850 species of ticks on the planet which are grouped into two categories; hard-shell ticks and soft-shell ticks. A handful of these are considered dangerous because of their ability to transmit diseases to people. In the UK, ticks are carriers of a bacterial infection called Lyme disease.

Ticks are related to spiders
Although this is often thought to be the case, ticks are not insects. They are actually arachnids, which means they are related to spiders, scorpions and mites. If you look closely at a tick, it kind of resembles a spider with its four pairs of legs and lack of antennae.

Certain ticks can cause rare allergies in humans
Bites from a Lone Star Tick can cause a rare red meat allergy in humans. Although we don’t have to worry too much in the UK as Lone Star Ticks are mainly found in the eastern half of the United States – phew!

Adult fleas only make up 5% of the flea population in a home
The rest is pupae (15%), larvae (30%) and eggs (50%). Adult fleas spend most of their time living on the pet while they feed, breed, and lay eggs. They can live anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months on the host animal.
Adult fleas can cause health issues for your pet
The 5% of adult fleas in your home still present a significant health issue for your pet. These parasites can ingest 13.6mg of blood daily, which can cause anaemia. If you discover your pet has fleas, use a reliable Flea and Tick treatment to make sure you are rid of them quickly and effectively.


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