Should you go for something from the vet or something you can buy from the supermarket?

We asked our resident vet for some answers, so you can make the best decision for your pet.
Do supermarket treatments really work?
This depends on the treatment. Not all spot-on treatments are the same and some work better than others. Fipronil – the active ingredient – was the number one flea product sold by vets. Thanks to changes in the law, this product can now be sold in supermarkets.
Fipronil doesn’t just appear in Bob Martin. Many products now include it as an active ingredient, including Bob Martin Clear, Fiprospot and Flevox.
How can I be sure the product contains fipronil?
Just check the packaging – fipronil should be listed under the active ingredients.
Does fipronil have any side effects?
Side effects are rare. However, some pets can have an allergic reaction – you might see hair loss or itching on the spot where you applied the product. If you’re worried, get in touch with us or our vet.
You should always apply the spot on to the back of your pet’s neck. This way, it’s harder for them to lick off. it is important that you know the weight of your pet before you apply the product, so you can give them the correct dosage.
Our vet says: You should never ever apply dog spot on treatments to cats, or to any animal other that what it is intended for.
Is fipronil the most effective flea treatment?
Yes, but it’s worth bearing in mind that fipronil alone won’t kill the eggs or larvae in your home. Use Clear Plus Spot On with fipronil +s-methoprene for better protection. If you have a heavy flea infestation you’ll need to spray your house with a home flea spray also.