Bob Martin Clear Home Flea Bomb Fumigation Pack is a convenient and easy way to kill fleas in your home, especially in the rooms your pet has access to.
Warm rooms provide a haven for fleas, which jump from your pet onto carpets and soft furnishings. One application of the pack is an effective way to kill fleas quickly.
How to Use
For indoors use only.
Directions for use:
Remove all living organisms from the room including plants, animals and especially fish tanks before treatment.
Strip beds of bedding if treating a bedroom.
Disconnect the power to any smoke detectors for the period of treatment.
Close all windows.
Take the flea bomb from the carton, remove the seal and lid.
Place the flea bomb on a fireproof surface such as a metal plate or brick, centrally in the room.
Ignite the wick, leave the room and close the door.
After 2 hours, return to the room and open all windows.
Leave the room again for another 30 minutes to ensure adequate ventilation.
Dispose of used flea bomb in the household waste.
Reconnect the power to smoke detectors.
Active Ingredients
Contains permethrin 13.50% (w/w). HSE 5891.
This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way.
Do not contaminate foodstuffs, eating utensils or food contact surfaces.
Do not inhale fumes.
Remove or cover all fish tanks and bowls before application.
Cover all water storage tanks before application.
All bats are protected under the wildlife and countryside act 1981. Before treating any structure used by bats, consult natural England, Scottish natural heritage or the countryside council for Wales.
Hazardous to bees.
Exclude all persons and animals during treatment.
Ventilate the treated area thoroughly when the smoke has cleared.
For indoor use only.
Wash hands and exposed skin before meals and after use.
Keep in a safe place.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs.
To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. Contains permethrin.
May produce an allergic reaction.